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Gorsevski PV. 2022. Interactive Web-Based Approach for Spatial Modeling of Landslide Susceptibility with R-Shiny, AGU Annual Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL. December 12- 16, 222.
O'Malley PW, Gorsevski PV. 2018. Pattern recognition from inland dunes using terrain analysis, Geological Society of America Southeastern Section, 12 - 13 April, Knoxville, Tennessee
Ilangakoon, N.T., Gorsevski, P.V., & Simic, A. 2014. Estimating Leaf Area Index From Terrestrial LiDAR and Satellite Based Vegetation Indices Using Bayesian Inference. AGU Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA. December 16, 2014.
Ilangakoon N, Gorsevski P, Simic A. 2014. Relationship between Leaf Area Index (LAI) Estimated By Terrestrial LiDAR and Remotely Sensed Vegetation Indices as a Proxy to Forest Carbon Sequestration. Shanklin Colloquium, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, April 17, 2014
Alcorn R, Panter KS, Gorsevski P, Ye X. 2013. A GIS-based volcanic hazard and risk assessment of eruptions sourced within Valles Caldera, New Mexico. AGU Meeting of the Americas, Cancun, Mexico, May 14-17, 2013
EckmannTC, Gorsevski PV.2013. Quantifying tradeoffs between offshore wind power production on the Great Lakes and impacts on flying wildlife. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA, April 9-13, 2013.
Gorsevski PV, Eckmann TC. 2012.Global atmospheric circulation influence on melting maritime glaciers.International Polar Year (IPY) Conference, Montreal, CA, April 2012
Gummala V, Nagarajan N, Ross J, Majid MW, Jamali MM, Frizado J, Gorsevski PV, Bingman V. 2012. A radar study of nocturnal bird migration for wind turbine siting applications.the University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 6th Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Mirzaei G, Majid MW, Bastas S, Jamali MM, Ross J, Frizado J, Gorsevski PV, Bingman V, 2012. Behavior analysis of birds/bats activity in the vicinity ofwind turbines.the University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 6th Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Mirzaei G, Majid MW, Bastas S, Jamali MM, Ross J, Frizado J, Gorsevski PV, Bingman V. 2011. Avian acoustic-based monitoring of birds/bats in the vicinity of wind turbines, the University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 5th Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Jamali MM, Snyder B, Williams J, Kindred R, St. John G, Majid MW, Ross J, Frizado J, Gorsevski PV, Bingman V. 2011. Radar/IR based avian monitoring system for wind turbines, the University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 5th Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Cathcart SC, Gorsevski PV. 2011. Collaborative decision making for site selection of wind energy farms in northwest Ohio, the University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 5th Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Frizado J, Snavely D, Gorsevski PV, Bingman V, Kozar R, Afjeh A and Mohsin Jamali, 2010. Coastal Ohio wind project, Freshwater Wind 2010 Symposium Cleveland, OH.
Gorsevski PV, Onasch CM. 2009. Detecting grain boundaries in deformed rocks using cellular automata approach, GSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Gorsevski PV,Gessler P, Haiyan Q, 2006. The hyperspectraland multispectral cameras for airborne mapping, NASA Idaho Space Grant Consortium Research Symposium.October 18-19, 2006 Moscow, ID.
Gorsevski PV, Gessler P, Haiyan Q, 2006. The hyperspectraland multispectral cameras for airborne mapping, Eleventh Biennial Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Conference. April, 2006 Salt Lake City, UT.CD-ROM.
Gorsevski PV, Gessler P, Haiyan Q, 2006. The hyperspectraland multispectral cameras for airborne mapping, 5th Annual Forester's Forum, Coeur D'Alene, ID, February, 2006.
Gessler P, Gorsevski PV, Smith A, Falkowski M, Smith A, Beck R, Eitel J, Haiyan Q,Sjostrom J, 2004. Moscow mountain fire research symposium. Moscow, University of Idaho. September, 2004.
Gorsevski PV, Gessler P, Haiyan Q, 2004. High definition hyperspectralimaging system (HDHIS), Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) Symposium, Glasgow, MT, September, 2004.
Gessler PE, Gorsevski PV, Pocewicz A, Sesnie S, Smith A, Covert A, Naidansuren E. 2002.Strategic research for inventorying, monitoring and modeling our managed and natural ecosystems.Raytheon Synergy III Capital Hill Exposition.WashingtonD.C., June 2002.
Sjostrom J, Gorsevski PV, Gessler PE, Pocewicz A, Covert A, Naidansuren E, Cronce J, Rutledge CE. 2001. Strategic research for inventorying, monitoring and modeling our managed and natural ecosystems. Intermountain GIS Users' Conference 2001.BoiseIdaho. April 2001.
Gorsevski PV, Gessler PE. 1999. Spatial prediction of landslide hazard using statistical modeling and GIS. Poster, InternationalMountain Logging and 10th Pacific NorthwestSkylineSymposiumOregonStateUniversity, April 1999.